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figs:teste [2019/08/05 14:16] joaoluisfigs:teste [2022/11/24 14:13] (atual) – edição externa
Linha 1: Linha 1:
 +**---- Document Database ----**
 +  author = {G.J. McLachlan and  K.A. Do and  C. Ambroise},
 +  title = {Analyzing microarray gene expression data},
 +  publisher = {Wiley},
 +  url={http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0471226165/qid=1128710740/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/002-9543089-9105613?v=glance&s=books&n=507846},
 +  year = 2004
 +   author =    {C. Ambroise},
 +   title =     {Comments on Incremental Model Based Clustering for Large
 +                Data Sets with Small Clusters
 +                by Chris Fraley, Adrian Raftery, Ron Wehrens},
 +   booktitle = {54th session of the International Statistical Institute},
 +   file={bibtex:talk:ambroise-ISI2003.pdf},
 +   address = {Berlin, Germany},
 +   year =      2003,
 +   author =    {C. Ambroise},
 +   title =     {Comments on Incremental Model Based Clustering for Large
 +                Data Sets with Small Clusters
 +                by Chris Fraley, Adrian Raftery, Ron Wehrens},
 +   booktitle = {54th session of the International Statistical Institute},
 +   file={bibtex:talk:edgar.pdf},
 +   address = {Berlin, Germany},
 +   year =      2003,